Business transformation
Transcended the barriers between the HQ and local subsidiaries and generated profits by thorough implementation of the strategy
What to challenge? Who to collaborate with?
- A leading global manufacturer of industrial machinery
- Aiming to strengthen competitiveness throughout the entire lifecycle, the company undertook the shift in its business model (not only selling hardware, but also strengthening service revenue)
Impact on the history of business and economy
- Achieved the department’s highest profit in the first year after the start of support
- Accelerated the client’s transformation from selling products to providing services by improving the profitability of the service business
IGPI’s initiatives for discontinuous change
1.Developed the strategies with reality for steadfast implementation and profit generation and set the ‘common language’ with local subsidiaries
- Logically articulated the ‘rules of thumb’ and ‘hypotheses’ for profit improvement in mind and developed the strategy to focus on the necessary actions and to quantify the impact of each action
- Had in-depth discussions with overseas subsidiaries to refine the reality of the strategy, resulting in the close cooperation between the HQ and subsidiaries to execute the strategy.

2.Supported the on-site reform as the partner on the same boat
- Led PDCA discussion with domestic and overseas subsidiaries from the standpoint of HQ in an unreserved manner
- Financially committed to profit generation through performance-based fee to be on the same boat as the client